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How are you approaching compliance in your organization? Are you set up for success?

Blog posts | 28.03.2019

Sally Tutill

Nurture Marketing Specialist at Kineo AU

Totara Learn, Kineo’s long-standing learning management system partner explores how organizations are handling compliance today.

Compliance training is associated directly with on boarding of new staff, also with ongoing legislation, specific rules and safety regulations awareness that relate to the job itself.  In today's corporate climate, with our working environments becoming increasingly driven by regulation, compliance has an increasing role to play within workplace training. As employees can either add value or devalue the organization, leaders of training within the organization need to be well equipped to deliver a positive culture of compliance.

What are the current trends?

Interestingly, Totara has reported that there is a huge diversity in what organizations are spending on their compliance.  A similar disparity on the numbers of hours spent per individual each year, as well as uncertainty over effectiveness gives us great cause for concern.

Therefore, there is an opportunity for organizations to re-evaluate their approach to compliance in the context of a wider learning program where the compliance component may well have not been reassessed for many years. Surely the time has come to move away from a mere box ticking exercise to a positive strategic approach that proactively meets organizational obligations.

Negate risk and forge best practice in the workplace as part of an always-on learning progamme. 

Totara states that current popular methods for corporate compliance training are;

  • Classroom 62%
  • Video 51%
  • Virtual classroom 51%
  • On-the-job 45%
  • Coaching and mentoring 35%

Is it time to benchmark the effectiveness of your current compliance approach?

The traditional popular method for compliance training has always been conducted in a classroom setting. Across the last few years however, a huge adoption of digital practices that incorporate learning, along with tools to evaluate the impact of that learning back in the workplace, are leading to an uplift in virtual classroom adoption.  Workplace leaders that are reluctant to assess the evolving compliance and learning needs of the business differently, may be resistant to re-evaluating a more effective method due to lack of time, resource and lack of confidence over what will work best. It may be that classroom training is working well enough, although is the effectiveness of behavioral change accounted for?  

Virtual classroom or elearning is often (incorrectly) perceived to be expensive. The unwanted prospect of crippling fines, reputational damage, and ultimately business failure due to non-compliance, should galvanise those in the driving seat into reviewing outmoded approaches to create a culture for compliance. Totara's insight guide expands on this, ‘Why compliance is critical to corporate success’

Best practice for compliance would include aligning employees to a proactive and risk considered approach, to incorporate blended learning that is tailored to the individual nature of the organization, with a workplace application that is smooth, seamless and integrated.

Kineo’s course library provides on-the-pulse, engaging interactive course content where you can also measure behavioral change and cultural impact that matters to your organization.  Ensure your learners understand why specific learning relates not only applies to their day-to-day role, yet also their future career path.  Understand more about the effectiveness of your compliance training and how it can improve the workplace environment to promote a loyal, engaged and productive culture.
Choose from our popular course titles such as; 
Dealing with Workplace Conflict, Mental Health in the Workplace, Privacy and the Workplace and Stress Less at Work.



Sally Tutill

Nurture Marketing Specialist at Kineo AU

Since the year immemorial Sally has exercised an avid passion for creativity with words, images and Pilates.  She is most content in the workplace when crafting enticing messages that inspire and engage.