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Ready, aim, fire: Hit the mark more often by understanding learner bahavior

Webinars | 15.01.2020

How many organizations can truly say they understand how learners engage most effectively? According to research from Towards Maturity, only a shocking 16% currently use analytics to analize the learning needs of their people. But getting under the skin of the right data can make all the difference between missing and hitting the mark.

Expert learning analysts Towards Maturity share their insights on how organizations globally are using learner data to make their L&D programs better, and we’ve got some real life examples from Kineo on what to do to make it work in real life. We’ll include some top tips to take away on how to become a business that better understands your learners. From personas to preferences, we’ve got you covered!

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • What other organizations are doing with learner intelligence
  • How you can apply it to all stages of learning design
  • What data really matters – and why
  • How to tie these insights to business objectives

Your speakers are

As a Learning & OD strategist and expert analyst, Jane leads Towards Maturity’s dynamic strategic insight unit and analyst services portfolio. She is a leading influencer in the People industry and champions the voice of People Development professionals. Jane has led and transformed all areas of OD, Talent, Learning & Development. As a Learning & OD strategist and expert analyst, Jane leads Towards Maturity’s dynamic strategic insight unit and analyst services portfolio. She is a leading influencer in the People industry and champions the voice of People Development professionals. Jane has led and transformed all areas of OD, Talent, Learning & Development.
Jes was Head of Consulting at Kineo until 2020.
Jacob works as a digital marketing consultant at Kineo. He has over 9 years' experience helping businesses in the learning and training industries understand their customers and bring in more leads.